Together we do more than alone we could dream of

We are an evolving collective of artists that aims to create and support exceptional content by building an ecosystem that empowers artists and focuses on collective growth. We train/develop actors and other film professionals along with creating, incubating and producing content.

Acting is being

Acting is not separate from life. In working with actors, we believe our role is to be a catalyst. All that the actor needs, they already have. We just help them know where and how to find this.

The stories we tell

We believe that art is an enquiry into who and why we are what we are. We aim to tell stories that are evocative, that stimulate the senses, engage the mind and provoke thought.

The experiences we share

At The Artist Collective, we always aim to connect with as many people as possible because we believe that in collective growth lies individual growth. We reach out to those not in physical proximity through our YouTube channel, so they too may benefit from our learnings and experiences. 

Through our videos, we bring to you insights about acting and self discovery, navigating and growing in the film industry, and much more.